Acho que se pode adivinhar quem é que teve o melhor Natal de sempre...nós (eu e o Thomas)! Foi o máximo passar o Natal (e abrir a montanha de prendas) com o nosso pequenino :) Como a vida nos lembra de vez em quando, há que aproveitar os bons momentos! Espero que tenham tido um dia em grande :) Beijinhos
I think you can guess who had the best Christmas ever...we did (Thomas and I)! It was great to spend Christmas (and to open the mountain of presents) with our little one :) As life reminds us sometimes, we have to enjoy the good moments! I hope you all had a fabulous day :) Kisses
I think you can guess who had the best Christmas ever...we did (Thomas and I)! It was great to spend Christmas (and to open the mountain of presents) with our little one :) As life reminds us sometimes, we have to enjoy the good moments! I hope you all had a fabulous day :) Kisses