Pois é, o nosso bebé já tem 8 meses! Está tão crescido...já vai para a créche, gosta muito de comer a para sózinho (mas se for peixe ou sopa faz caretas ;)), não para um segundo (rebola, rebola, rebola...e tenta gatinhar), fala muito (diz "dada", "gaga" e um "milhão" de outros sons e palavras que nós ainda não sabemos o que quer dizer ;)), é muito curioso e, normalmente, muito sorridente. Hoje foi passear ao parque com a mamã, o vovô e a vovó e "andou" pela primeira vez de baloiço :)
That's right, our baby is 8 months old already! He's so grown up...he goes to creche now, loves to eat, especially by himself (but if there's fish or soup in the menu, he makes some funny faces ;)), doesn't stop for one second (rolls over and over and over...and tries to crawl), talks a lot (he says "dada", "gaga" and a "million" of other sounds and "words" that we don't know yet ;)), is very curious and, normally, very smilie. Today he went to the park with mamã, vovô and vovó and went on the swing for the first time
That's right, our baby is 8 months old already! He's so grown up...he goes to creche now, loves to eat, especially by himself (but if there's fish or soup in the menu, he makes some funny faces ;)), doesn't stop for one second (rolls over and over and over...and tries to crawl), talks a lot (he says "dada", "gaga" and a "million" of other sounds and "words" that we don't know yet ;)), is very curious and, normally, very smilie. Today he went to the park with mamã, vovô and vovó and went on the swing for the first time