Este projecto é o resultado da minha participacao no desenvolvimento de um grupo de apoio a mulheres nao-Irlandesas (e parte do meu trabalho). Durante o Verao reunimo-nos as 5' feiras por uma hora e meia...a escolha das actividades de Verao ficou a cargo do grupo, claro, e "costura" foi a escolhida. Por isso é que vou tendo mini-projectos de costura ultimamente :) É muito divertido...e uma "desculpa" para o grupo se encontrar, para se criarem lacos entre as participantes, para se trocar informacao sobre eventos, cursos, apoios, etc. No meio de tudo isto ainda se criam coisas bonitas - esta em particular é baseada nesta ideia, o tecido usado é 100% algodao e é um lencol que eu comprei há alguns anos no IKEA e foi toda cosida á mao.
This project is the result of my participation in the development of a support group for non-Irish women (& part of my work). We meet every Thursday for an hour and a half during the summer...and the choice of the summer activities comes from the group itself, of course; "sewing" was the chosen one. This is the reson behind the mini-sewing projects I've been doing lately :) It's a lot of fun...and an "excuse" for the group to meet, for bonds to be created between the participants, for exchange of information about events, courses, supports availble, among others, to take place, etc. In the middle of all of this, there's some pretty things being created - this one in particular it's based in this idea, the fabric used is 100% cotton and it's an old sheet I boght in IKEA a few years ago and it was all stitched by hand.
This project is the result of my participation in the development of a support group for non-Irish women (& part of my work). We meet every Thursday for an hour and a half during the summer...and the choice of the summer activities comes from the group itself, of course; "sewing" was the chosen one. This is the reson behind the mini-sewing projects I've been doing lately :) It's a lot of fun...and an "excuse" for the group to meet, for bonds to be created between the participants, for exchange of information about events, courses, supports availble, among others, to take place, etc. In the middle of all of this, there's some pretty things being created - this one in particular it's based in this idea, the fabric used is 100% cotton and it's an old sheet I boght in IKEA a few years ago and it was all stitched by hand.
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