Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A walk in the Woods

Ontem o tempo estava bom (= não estava a chover e o sol até apareceu algumas vezes...) e o Tom tinha o dia livre, por isso resolvemos ir dar uma caminhada no bosque de Oughaval que fica a 30 minutos de Carlow. Adorei os cheiros, o ar puro e o exercício "light" :) Acho que vamos voltar...especialmente o Tom, que anda a correr com os amigos várias vezes por semana, já estava a imaginar que percurso é que eles íam escolher para correr no bosque :)

Yesterday the weather was nice (= it wasn't raining and the sun showed up some times...) and Tom had a day off so we decided to go for a walk in the Oughaval Woodland that is 30 minutes away from Carlow. I loved the smells, the fresh air and the light exercise :) I think we're going to comeback...especially Tom, who's running several times a week with his friends - he was already imagining which path they would choose for their run in the woods :)

1 comment:

Lulu said...

sounds like a lovely time..