Eu não acredito...o nosso bebé já tem um mês!! O nosso pequenino está cada vez maior (especialmente as bochechas ;)) e mais reguila :) Ele adora comer (a sério, é um comilão), dormir, e brincar com o seu elefante roxo (oferecido pela sua priminha Eimear). É muito querido e practicamente só chora quando tem fome...por falar nisso, está na hora, tenho que ir. Beijinhos
I can't belive it...our baby is one month old!! Our little baby is growing so much (especially his cheecks ;)) and is so active :) He loves to eat (really, you should see it), sleep and to play with his purple elephant (a present from his cousin Eimear). He's very sweet and only cries when he's hungry...oh...I think it's time for his "meal", I have to go. Kisses
I can't belive it...our baby is one month old!! Our little baby is growing so much (especially his cheecks ;)) and is so active :) He loves to eat (really, you should see it), sleep and to play with his purple elephant (a present from his cousin Eimear). He's very sweet and only cries when he's hungry...oh...I think it's time for his "meal", I have to go. Kisses