O livro do Bambi era um dos meus favoritos quando eu era pequenina. A personagem que eu mais adorava era (e é) o Tambor, o coelhinho mais querido do mundo :) Com a chegada do bebé mais querido do mundo, foi fantástico receber uma prendinha "Tambor" das minhas fofinhas tia Qué e priminha
Ana Luísa :) Adoro vestir o meu bebé com fatinhos giros e este é especial...
Bambi was one of my favourite books when I was growing up. I loved (and still do) Thumper, the sweetest rabbit in the world :) With the arrival of the sweetest baby in the world, it was fantastic to receive a "Thumper" present from my lovely aunt Qué and cousin Ana Luísa :) I love to dress up my baby with cute outfits and this one is special...
Oh.... E na foto ate parece que tem orelhinhas....
He is such a handsome and cute little boy, but how could he be any other way with two such great parents. see you soon. Love, Margie.
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