Yesterday we went to the "Knitting & Stitching Show" in Dublin (a great textile exhibition with workshops, demonstrations & shops covering knitting, cross-stitch, patchwork, scrapbooking, card-making, etc, etc)!! oh...I was in heaven, only my wallet suffered a little (ok, maybe a lot) :)
Foi fantástico, como sempre...o contacto com as pessoas, as novas técnicas e produtos disponíveis, as compras, o convívio com as amigas (da esquerda para a direita na foto em baixo, Stela, Litícia e Julieta) é espectacular! Diverti-me muito e a contagem decrescente para o próximo ano já começou ;)
It was fantastic, as always...the networking, the new techniques and products available, the shopping, spending time with friends (from the left in the picture below, Stela, Litícia and Julieta) was spectacular! I had a lot of fun and already started the countdown for next year's event ;)
1 comment:
Hi Ana, the K & S was certainly a great day of stocking up on supplies, and exploring all the shops. Leiny and I were caught in a huge flashflood on the motorway on the way home, thunder and lightening and huge rainfall, scary, we pulled in until it passed. Drop by my new blog Christmas Time Magic if you get a minute and let me know what you think. I still have no computer and grab a few mins in work or wait for Leiny to come home with her laptop at the weekend. Hugs, Margie.
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