Finalmente acabei o casaquinho de Verão do James...é uma pena que ele (o James) não esteja disponível para fazer de modelo neste momento (está doentinho, embora bem-disposto). Adorei fazer este casaquinho "raglan" (sem costuras) de algodão (modelo da Lisa na "
This is Knit"), mas algodão não chega aos pés de Malabrigo (a lã à qual não consigo resisitir) ;) Agora só falta aqui o Verão...
I've finally finished James' little summer cardigan...it's a pitty that James is not available to model it right now (he's sick, but in a good mood). I loved making this little cotton raglan cardigan (from Lisa at This is Knit), but cotton is no Malabrigo (the yarn I can't resist) ;) Now we're only missing the summer...
Hi Ana, thank you for the comment on Margie's Crafts. As you can see we have been busy and up until now the weather has been good, it is raining today. I love the cardi you made James, the colours are beautiful and I love the star button. Love Margie.
beautiful sweater..
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