Às vezes penso que as minhas mãos são deslumbrantes... Gosto especialmente de as usar para tricotar, para "falar", para fazer bolos, para passar no cabelo e bochechas do James, para comer, para tocar e agora para coser :) Eu adorei o workshop da Rosa, do qual fiz parte durante as minhas férias em Portugal neste Verão...fizemos esta pequena almofadinha de alfinetes com tecidos portugueses tradicionais. Adorei! Agora "só" tenho que fazer o (já muito atrasado) trabalho de casa... as minhas mãos estão muito ocupadas, temos que agendar isto!!
Sometimes I think my hands are amazing... I especially like to use them to knit, to "talk", to bake, to feel James' hair and cheeks, to eat, to touch and now to sew :) I loved Rosa's workshop that I took part during my holidays in Portugal this summer...we made this little pin cushion with traditional portuguese fabrics. Loved it! Now I "just" need to do the (long due) homework... my hands are too busy, we need to schedule this!!
Sometimes I think my hands are amazing... I especially like to use them to knit, to "talk", to bake, to feel James' hair and cheeks, to eat, to touch and now to sew :) I loved Rosa's workshop that I took part during my holidays in Portugal this summer...we made this little pin cushion with traditional portuguese fabrics. Loved it! Now I "just" need to do the (long due) homework... my hands are too busy, we need to schedule this!!
you make such a wonderful staff!!!!
E ficou muito bonita!
its lovely...I love it!
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