The other day my favourite model let me take a few pictures of him wearing his new hat, the "Beehive Hat" (Ravelry link) that his mammy knitted especially for him :) The photo session went so well...I'm sure I'll be hiring him again soon!
Por falar em coisas tricotadas e feitas à mão, a minha amiga Margaret está a ter dois "giveaway", um no seu blog e outro no seu novo website para comemorar a abertura da sua loja e workshops "Margie's Crafts". Vão até lá, só têm que escrever um comentário no post correspondente até ao dia 10 de Outubro. Boa sorte!
Talking about knitted and handmade stuff, my friend Margaret is having 2 giveaways, one on her blog, the other on her new website, to celebrate the openning of her new shop and workshops "Margie's Crafts". To be with a chance of winning you just have to leave a comment on the posts by the 10th Ocotber. Good luck!
Parece um rapaz grande nas fotos :D Está lindo :) Espero que esteja tudo bem por aí.
Beijinho grande para todos *
its beautiful.
Beautiful hat and beautiful model, what more can I say. Love Margie.
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