No princípio de Maio fomos até ao "Festival do Cordeirinho" em Roscommon (eu tinha que ir lá espreitar!) e estes foram os meus momentos favoritos...o primeiro foi quando fiz parte do grupo que bateu o record do mundo de tricotadeiras a tricotar ao mesmo tempo todas juntas no mesmo sítio :)
I haven't been here in such a long time...I have been really busy at work (a lot of changes) and with family and friends since the beginning of the month of April . Please forgive me...I promise I'll tell you all about what I've been doing now.
At the beggining of May we went up to Roscommon to the "Lamb Festival" (I had to see what it was all about!) and these were my favourite moments...the first one was when I was part of the group that bet the world record for the most knitters knitting in the same place :)

I loved to meet Winnie and her wool wagon...isn't that the coolest (portable) wool shop ever?

And...finally, the best moment (I think my travel companions agree with me)...the sheep race!!! It was so much fun (and no sheep got hurt) :)

lol, i am very surprise to see that James didn't jump inside and race and try to ride one!
Great photos Ana, did you meet Michelle, her blog is on my blog list, she was organizing the Knitting world record break. Hugs, Margie.
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