Neste lado do mundo...não há novidades de maior; apenas alguns encontros de amigas que envolvem a bela arte de comer bolos, claro :) Desta vez decidi consultar um dos meus livros de receitas favoritos, o "Doçaria Popular Portuguesa" do Chefe Silva e acabei por me resolver a fazer o Bolo Delícia de Maçãs. Parece ter sido uma escolha acertada, pois o bolo não deixou rasto nem fotografias. Eu acho que este bolo é uma das melhores companhias que um chá pode ter :) Ummm....
On this sie of the world...there's no big news; only a few meetings with friends that involve eating cakes, of course :) This time I decided to check one of my favourite cooking books, the "Popular Portuguese Confectionery" from Chef Silva and I ended up making the Cake "Delícia de Maçãs". It seemed to have been the right choice because the cake "disappeared" and I wasn't able to take any photos of it. I think this cake is complemented well by a nice cup of tea :) Ummm...
On this sie of the world...there's no big news; only a few meetings with friends that involve eating cakes, of course :) This time I decided to check one of my favourite cooking books, the "Popular Portuguese Confectionery" from Chef Silva and I ended up making the Cake "Delícia de Maçãs". It seemed to have been the right choice because the cake "disappeared" and I wasn't able to take any photos of it. I think this cake is complemented well by a nice cup of tea :) Ummm...
Eu adoro o facto do livro ter as receitas em Português e em Inglês porque, desta maneira, posso partilhá-lo com mais amigos :) Aqui está a receita do Bolo Delícia de Maçãs (8 a 10 pessoas):
1 chávena e meia de açúcar (almoçadeira);
3 ovos;
1 chávena (chá) de óleo;
2 chávenas (chá) de farinha peneirada com 2 colheres (chá) de bicarbonato de soda;
1 colher (chá) de canela e 1/2 colher (chá) de sal fino;
1 chávena (chá) de passas sultanas;
0,4kg de maçãs;
1 chávena (chá) de nozes e amêndoas peladas e picadas;
1 colher (sopa) de raspa de limão;
manteiga (para untar);
farinha (para polvilhar)
Unte com manteiga uma forma grande de bolos; forre-lhe o fundo com papel vegetal, volte a untar e polvilhe com farinha. Descasque as maçãs, retire-lhe os caroços e corte-as em cubos pequeninos. Misture o açúcar com os ovos; junte aos poucos, alternadamente, o óleo e a farinha, com os ingredientes indicados já misturados. Em seguida junte as maçãs, as passas sultanas (eu não adicionei estas), as nozes e amêndoas e a raspa de limão. Deite na forma e leve a cozer em forno a 150ºC durante 70 minutos. Verifique a cozedura, retire do forno, deixe arrefecer um pouco e desenforme.
I love the fact that the book has the recepies in Portuguese and in English because, this way, I can share it with more friends :) Here is the Cake "Delícia de Maçãs" (8 to 10 people):
1.5 breakfast cups sugar;
3 eggs;
1 teacup cooking oil;
2 teacups flour sifted together with 2 teaspoons bicarbonate of soda;
1 teaspoon cinnamon;
1/2 teaspoon fine salt;
1 teacup sultanas;
0.4kg of apples;
1 teacup peeled and chopped walnuts and almonds;
1 soupsoon lemon zest;
butter (for greasing);
flour (for sprinkling)
Grease a large cake tin with butter; line the bottom with greaseproof paper, then grease it again and sprinkle with flour. Peel the apples, remove the pith and seeds and cut them into small cubes. Mix the sugar with the eggs, then gradually and alternately add the cooking oil and the flour having also added previously the apples, sultanas (I didn't had these), walnuts and almonds and the lemon zest. Pour the mixture into the cake tin, place in the oven and bake for about 70 minutes at 150ºC. Check the baking then remove it from the oven, let it cool a little then carefully detach the cake from the baking tray.
Because is very cold (very very cold) I have been wearing a scarf that I finished two weeks ago - a design from the begginers class from the shop "This is Knit" - it's very soft :)