My grandmother Ana loved "fabric scraps". She lived surrounded by them, always making patchwork pillows, blankets and mats to giveaway or sell. She was very proud of them. Almost a year ago her "fabric scraps" were left on their own...just like that, without any notice.
Este Verão estivemos em casa da minha avó, a recordar e a dividir os "trapos" dela. Eu fiquei com alguns...lindos e já preparados para fazerem parte de almofadas ou outras coisas fofinhas :) Adoro-os! Já estou cheia de ideias e planos para eles e para todos os botões,que eu escolhi da colecção da minha avó para os acompanharem (numa caixinha que era da minha mãe).
This summer we were in my grandmother's house remembering and dividing her "fabric scraps". I got some of them...beautiful and already prepared to be part of pillows or other cute things :) I love them! I'm already full of ideas and plans for them and for all the buttons that I chose from my grandmother's collection to make them company (kept in a little tin that belonged to my mother).