Há 5 anos atrás eu estava a preparar-me para passar o meu primeiro Natal na Irlanda. A excitação era muita, tudo era novidade e a descoberta acontecia todos os dias. As luzes cintilavam de maneira diferente, as casas casas eram decoradas até ao pormenor, as compras e os presentes...tudo era novo. Acho que foi o melhor Natal que passei aqui...agora, por esta altura do ano, começo a suspirar pelos sonhos de abóbora (ou filhoses, como se diz na terra da minha avó), a sonhar com os passeios pela Lisboa "vestida de Natal", a planear os encontros , jantares e cafés com os amigos e família, a embrulhar as prendas e a tentar calcular se a minha mala vai ter peso a mais. Ah...estou tão feliz por ir passar o Natal a casa!! Já estou em contagem decrescente...
5 years ago I was preparing myself to spend my first Christmas in Ireland. The excitment was in the air, everything was new and something was discovered everyday. The lights shined in a different way, the houses were decorated up to scratch, the shopping, the presents...everything was new. I think it was the best Christmas I've spent here...now, around this time of the year, I start longing for the "suspiros de abóbora/filhoses" (traditional christmas portuguese sweets made of pumpkin), dreaming of walking through Lisbon "dressed for Christmas", planning the meetings, dinners and coffee sessions with friends and family, wrapping the presents and trying to see if my bag is going to get a "heavy" tag at the airport. Ah...I'm so happy to be going home for Christmas!! I' already counting down the days...
5 years ago I was preparing myself to spend my first Christmas in Ireland. The excitment was in the air, everything was new and something was discovered everyday. The lights shined in a different way, the houses were decorated up to scratch, the shopping, the presents...everything was new. I think it was the best Christmas I've spent here...now, around this time of the year, I start longing for the "suspiros de abóbora/filhoses" (traditional christmas portuguese sweets made of pumpkin), dreaming of walking through Lisbon "dressed for Christmas", planning the meetings, dinners and coffee sessions with friends and family, wrapping the presents and trying to see if my bag is going to get a "heavy" tag at the airport. Ah...I'm so happy to be going home for Christmas!! I' already counting down the days...