5 years ago I was preparing myself to spend my first Christmas in Ireland. The excitment was in the air, everything was new and something was discovered everyday. The lights shined in a different way, the houses were decorated up to scratch, the shopping, the presents...everything was new. I think it was the best Christmas I've spent here...now, around this time of the year, I start longing for the "suspiros de abóbora/filhoses" (traditional christmas portuguese sweets made of pumpkin), dreaming of walking through Lisbon "dressed for Christmas", planning the meetings, dinners and coffee sessions with friends and family, wrapping the presents and trying to see if my bag is going to get a "heavy" tag at the airport. Ah...I'm so happy to be going home for Christmas!! I' already counting down the days...
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Counting down the days
5 years ago I was preparing myself to spend my first Christmas in Ireland. The excitment was in the air, everything was new and something was discovered everyday. The lights shined in a different way, the houses were decorated up to scratch, the shopping, the presents...everything was new. I think it was the best Christmas I've spent here...now, around this time of the year, I start longing for the "suspiros de abóbora/filhoses" (traditional christmas portuguese sweets made of pumpkin), dreaming of walking through Lisbon "dressed for Christmas", planning the meetings, dinners and coffee sessions with friends and family, wrapping the presents and trying to see if my bag is going to get a "heavy" tag at the airport. Ah...I'm so happy to be going home for Christmas!! I' already counting down the days...
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Socks from the toe up

I've only started knitting socks in October but I loved so much that I was already learning a new technique in early November, the "socks from the toe up". It's great!...
These socks will be a Christmas present for a very special "little" girl :)
Friday, November 21, 2008
Revistas Favoritas

The magazines above are two of my favourite magazines...oh, it gives me such pleasure to flick through their pages! They're two wonderful inspirations sources and I love to receive/ buy them...can you see why?

Sunday, November 16, 2008
Sunday afternoon

6 ovos
350g doce de gila
350g açúcar
250g amêndoa pelada e moída
2 colheres de sopa de farinha
canela a gosto
raspa de 1 limão
Misture tudo. O doce de gila é o último ingrediente a misturar. Ponha o preparado numa forma redonda, com papel de ir ao forno. Leve ao forno aquecido a 200ºC por mais ou menos 1 hora. Umm...
Friday was Thomas birthday...and, as it is a tradition by now, I made him his favourite cake "Gila Cake". There was still a bit left today that I had with my Earl Grey tea...try it, it's delicious and very easy to make:
6 eggs
350g gila jam (a special pumpkin jam that can be found in Portugal)
350g sugar
250g ground almonds
2 Tsp flour
1 lemon zest
Mix everything. The gila jam is the last ingredient to add. Pour into a round shaped baking tin, with greaseproof paper. Put it in a 200ºC heated oven and cook it for about 1 hour. Enjoy!
Still on America...reading, this time.

Our trip to San Francsico was the excuse to read a book about America. Not any book, of course. It had to be an interesting book. And funny. That would make me laugh and think...a Bill Bryson's book. I love his way of seeing the world and people...of analyse and criticise everything he sees. In this book I especially liked the chapters "Friendly people", "Hail to the chief", "Dumb and Dumber", "Why no one walks"...well, I really liked them all :)
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Wonderful Redwoods

With my cousins Gabriel & Susan (see photo above) we spent an unforgetable weekend in the enchanted forest of the giant redwoods that I always wanted to visit...

...I loved hugging the trees, walk amongst them, gaze at the excentricities (drive-through tree?) and stop to see other interesting places on the way as well. And with this, the holidays were over. Oh...I missed them already!
Halloween in America

We all got dressed up (including Susan little nephew, the monkey in the picture) and after a few last touches and practice of scary faces...

...we went to the streets to see the beautifully decorated houses and do some tricks :)

When the night was over, we went home in the Batmobile with Batman and Batwoman! I hope you had fun at Halloween :)

Napa Valley

We had alot of fun, despite the weather in California turned very similar to the one in Ireland...I loved the Autumn colours that we could see in the vineyards and the wines we tasted weren't bad either ;)
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Snoopy Land

I don't care what people might say...yes, I'm 31 years old and I like Snoopy (very much)! So, when I was visiting San Francisco and went to Santa Rosa (which is nearby) to visit my cousins Gabriel & Susan, I had to visit the Charles M. Schulz's museum, the creator of Snoopy, that is located there :) I loved it!

One of my favourite parts was the wall full of Snoopy cartoons :)

I loved spending a morning with my favourite dog :)
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
If you're going to San Francisco...
Se fores a São Francisco não te esqueças... When you're going to San Francisco don't forget...
...de visitar o edifício "Embarcadero" e o seu mercado...
...to visit the "Embarcadero" Building and its farmers' market...
...de visitar a prisão Alcatraz...
...to visit Alcatraz...
...de passar algum tempo no Parque Dolores, no bairro Mission...
...of spending some time in Dolores Park, in the Mission...
...de trazer bons sapatos, porque vais ter de andar MUITO, para cima e para baixo...
...to bring good walking shoes because you're going to walk A LOT, going up and down...
...de visitar a zona da baía, "Fisherman's Wharf"...
...to visit the bay area, "Fisherman's Wharf"...
...de provar o marisco local...
...to try the local sea food...
...de gozar as vistas fantásticas...
...to enjoy the fantastic views...
...de admirar a famosa ponte "Golden Gate" ao pôr-do-sol...
...to gaze at the famous Golden Gate bridge at sunset...
...de visitar o bairro de Japantown (eu adorei!)...
...to visit Japantown (I loved it!)...
...de visitar o bairro Haight e admirar as suas casas maravilhosas de estilo victoriano...
...to visit the Haight neighbourhood and admire its wonderful victorian houses...
...de ir às compras e encontrar coisas únicas...
...to go shopping and find some unique things...
...de visitar o bairro Chinatown e de andar de eléctrico, claro :) Assim, vão provavelmente divertir-se muito, tal como eu e o Thomas nos divertimos a semana passada...Foi o máximo!
...to visit Chinatown and take a ride on a cable car, of course :) This way, you'll probably have a lot of fun, just like Thomas and I had last week...It was fantastic!
...to visit the "Embarcadero" Building and its farmers' market...
...to visit Alcatraz...
...of spending some time in Dolores Park, in the Mission...
...to bring good walking shoes because you're going to walk A LOT, going up and down...
...to visit the bay area, "Fisherman's Wharf"...
...to try the local sea food...
...to enjoy the fantastic views...
...to gaze at the famous Golden Gate bridge at sunset...

...to visit Japantown (I loved it!)...

...to visit the Haight neighbourhood and admire its wonderful victorian houses...

...to go shopping and find some unique things...

...to visit Chinatown and take a ride on a cable car, of course :) This way, you'll probably have a lot of fun, just like Thomas and I had last week...It was fantastic!
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