Sunday, November 16, 2008

Still on America...reading, this time.

A nossa ida a São Francisco foi a desculpa para ler um livro acerca da America. Não um livro qualquer, claro. Tinha que ser um livro interessante. E divertido. Que me fizesse rir e livro de Bill Bryson. Adoro a sua maneira de ver o mundo e as analisar e criticar tudo o que vê. No caso deste livro, gostei especialmente dos capítulos "Friendly people", "Hail to the Chief", "Dumb and Dumber", "Why no one walks", eu gostei de todos mesmo :)

Our trip to San Francsico was the excuse to read a book about America. Not any book, of course. It had to be an interesting book. And funny. That would make me laugh and think...a Bill Bryson's book. I love his way of seeing the world and people...of analyse and criticise everything he sees. In this book I especially liked the chapters "Friendly people", "Hail to the chief", "Dumb and Dumber", "Why no one walks"...well, I really liked them all :)

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