Eu não acredito que estou a escrever aqui pela 100ª vez!...Para celebrar este "acontecimento", decidi dar-vos um conjunto de toalha para a louça e toalha de chá vermelhas. O tema escolhido é "galinhas"...porque eu as adoro :) Tudo o que têm que fazer é deixar aqui um comentário a contarem-me quais são os vossos temas e projectos favoritos; eu sortearei um vencedor(a) no Domingo.
I can't believe that I'm writing here for the 100th time!...To celebrate it, I've decided to have a giveaway. I'm giving you a cross-stitched pair of matching red tea towel and small table cloth. The theme is chickens...just because I love them :) All you have to do is leave a comment telling me about your favourite themes & projects and I'll draw a winner on Sunday.
I can't believe that I'm writing here for the 100th time!...To celebrate it, I've decided to have a giveaway. I'm giving you a cross-stitched pair of matching red tea towel and small table cloth. The theme is chickens...just because I love them :) All you have to do is leave a comment telling me about your favourite themes & projects and I'll draw a winner on Sunday.
Hi Ana!! My favourite themes are anything to do with Cats! I just adore them. At the moment I am crocheting several scarves and baby blankets as presents for relatives this Christmas. Hope I win! Have a lovely Xmas
Hi Ana my friend, are you serious!!!!...100th celebrations!! CONGRATULATIONS PETAL!!!!!
I must say that I have my unique, personal and favourites themes/proyects/crafts that I saw on your blog and that you generously teached me how to do and let me be part of others. One of them is cross-stitching that you did on a little cow putting the name of my son "Alan Emilio" on it, I could't believe it when you gave it to him on his first birthday, 100 Thanks!
Other lovely one is the scrapbooking, that I am thinking about doing it for my soon as well, because it is such a wonderfull idea and memory to have as well as fun!!,another one is "cu cu" the little giraffe with the long eyelashes because I think that she looks like my 5 year old nice Ana Montserrat who lives in Mexico...fantastic!. I will try to do something with felt fabric too, because I think it is an easy material to work with...may be a little purse!!??
My final favorites themes are the travelling, the books and the cooking because I think that pictures are the only ressource that you have to go back in time and again touch,smell, imagine...experience all these wonderful moments in your past life, and I love reading stories that will give me a nice positive feeling for my life and the peolple a care of and finally the cooking is something that I enjoy a lot...thinking what to cook for that special ocassion with my friends and family.
I feel very lucky to be your friend and it will be awesome if I am fortunate to get a present made by your hands, because you are an inspiration to me dear!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! and never stop doing these wonderful things!!!!!!
Love Julie =)
Parabéns! 100 posts é um marco importante! :)
Ora bem, os meus temas e projectos de eleição... eu gosto mesmo é de ler e de coser! Estou sempre a pensar em coisas que possa fazer para a minha casa ou para oferecer às pessoas mais próximas... viva o handmade!
Hi Ana
you know me ana, i love anything to do with animals, i get so excited when i see them or even talk about them (as you all know only too well!!!)my favorites include giraffes (because of their big eyes and long eyelashes and lips you'd love to put lipstick on!), dogs, especially my little puppy Otis,donkey's like Jack, little birds (they just look so fluffy), frogs (because they are just so ugly, but they have lovely big eyeballs!)also chickens, pigs, sheep, anything animal-y really.as far as crafts and creativity go, i wish i was like you and Val, being able to make lovely things but unfortunately im rubish at it!!!
although my creativity could be my christmas decorating ability. i cant wait for christmas, and to decorate everywhere, especially the dungeon of an office we work in! im so excited for you heading home this year, it'll be great for you both. anyway im going to stop writing now, i tried to paste a photo of your nephew Otis, but it wouldn't let me!fa la la la la, la la la la (christmas song!)
Tracey xxx
Parabéns, adorei ler os seus comentários e as fotos dessas arvores são surreais de lindas. Não tenho jeito nenhum para costuras..ou tenho a verdade é q nunca experimentei mas adoro ver tudo o q é feito á mão para uma só pessoa e não para milhares e o ponto cruz é a minha perdição...adoro tudo o q é bonito, enfim as coisas mais simples. Beijinhos Alexandra
Olá querida!!!
Parabéns!! 100 posts é de celebrar!
Estou ansiosa por te ver no Natal :-) ainda bem que este ano vens por cá!!!
Conheces-me de jingeira, por isso sabes que adoro ler, não consigo passar sem ler um livro, uma revista ou seja o que for. Quando vou para qualquer lado e não levo um livro, é como se não levasse uma peça de roupa! Também adoro bordar, embora ultimamente não tenha feito quase nada, por falta de tempo!
Quanto a projectos... Vida&Beleza em grande é esse o meu grande projecto, que vai triunfar em grande no novo ano!
Quero deixar também aqui uma mensagem de muito amor e alegria. Não vale a pena andarmos sempre tristes e preocupados... A vida é uma coisa fabulosa e merece ser vivida em pleno! Senão, de que vale andarmos por cá!
Beijos imensos e muitas muitas felicidades... Mereces o melhor do Mundo e da Vida!
Parabéns, Ana!
100 posts significa muito trabalho e generosidade em dividir tudo isso com todos que te visitam!
Natal é mesmo uma delícia e é inspirador.
Qt aos meu projetos preferidos, são os de costura e de tricô.
Bjs e que venham muitos outros posts no futuro.
Congratulations on your 100th post! :D
And here's to many more! I can't wait!
Lately I've been thinking scarves! That's what my projects will be after I finish knitting my sweater. I'm making three, and they're to given at Christmas. Two of those will be knitted using Merino wool and the third I'm using silk and bamboo blend, which is so soft. I may just make another one for myself.
Hi Ana
I really like your blog because you're so good at things I can't master myself. I love reading and painting but unfortunatly I'm a disaster at knitting and cross-stitching. The thing is I really love animals and after all the cockerel is the symbol of my country so, I'd really like to win your prize! :)
Veronique, a french fan
Hello Ana
I love your blog! I think it's very interesting because you can find so many lovely things and you show us your experience of travelling, cooking, knitting that I'd love to do myself. I've started cross-stitching this year and I'm doing a set of 4 animals (working on the cow at the moment). I hope to re-start knitting next year.
I'd love to win the prize beacuse I love chickens and red :) I want to send you a Christmas wish to you and everyone that is reading your blog.
From your warm mexican friend Marisol
Hi Ana
I'm really surprised with how many things you can do and are interested in, you must be a very busy girl. I have to confess that I used to do handmade stuff before (like knitting, cross-stitch, cards, etc); now I don't do that anymore. Your blog encouraged me to come back to crafts and use my ideas that I have in my mind.
I hope I'll win the chickens :)
See you Ana
Your friend from Poland
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