Estou em casa (com uma dose de gripe e bronquite e a descansar por ordem do médico), e a sonhar com o que gostaria de estar a fazer...ooooohhhhh...e vamos voltar a dormir!
I'm at home (with flu & bronchitis and with orders to rest from the doctor) and dreaming about what I'd like to be doing....oooooohhhh...& let's go back to sleep again!
Em casa no quentinho deitada a contar ovelhas é uma boa forma de passar uns dias :)
As melhoras rápidas!
Recupera rápido priminha :)
Oh you poor one, I hope you are feeling much better now. I missed having lunch with you this week. It is so difficult to be sick (especially when you have a little boy to care for too) and you have so many things you want to do. big hugs, Get well soon. Love Margie.x
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