My boxing day started in the kitchen, trying to make something that would resemble the "pastel de nata" tart from the blog "receitas da Luísa" and this is the result. This tart was made especially for the Christmas/Boxing Day party that took place in Margaret's house yesterday :-) and it seemed to have been a success. Tomorrow I'll fly home and bring another tart with me, the rhubarb tart, which my family is a big fan of :-)
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Baking (Boxing) Day
My boxing day started in the kitchen, trying to make something that would resemble the "pastel de nata" tart from the blog "receitas da Luísa" and this is the result. This tart was made especially for the Christmas/Boxing Day party that took place in Margaret's house yesterday :-) and it seemed to have been a success. Tomorrow I'll fly home and bring another tart with me, the rhubarb tart, which my family is a big fan of :-)
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
What I have been doing
Now that the majority of Christmas presents were open, I can show you a project I was working on for my sister-in-law and her husband: a scrapbook of their daughters :-) Here are some of the pages...
Feliz Natal
O almoço de Natal é o evento familiar mais importante desta época, por isso fomos até casa dos pais do Tom para nos juntarmos a toda a família. Depois de almoço e (muitos) jogos, voltámos para casa, onde vamos descansar um pouco antes das celebrações de amanhã (Boxing Day) em casa da Margaret :-) e ver o DVDs "Hairspray" e "Once" que o Pai Natal deixou no meu "sapatinho"!
Merry Christmas!
I hope you had an excellent Christmas. We had a Christmas eve, in Ireland, with an almost portuguese dinner, a lot of music (including the church music) and some presents. The presents were opened this morning, at a "decent" time (after 9.30am), probably because there's no children in this house yet :-)
The Christmas day dinner is the most important family event of this season here so, we went to Tom's parent's house to join his family. After lunch and (lots of) games, we came home to rest for a little bit before we join Boxing Day celebrations tomorrow at Margaret's house :-) and to watch the "Hairspray" & "Once" DVDs that Santa Claus left in my stocking!
Sunday, December 9, 2007
Christmas is coming

Saturday, December 8, 2007
A simple scarf

Sunday, December 2, 2007
I can't belive it...

Shopping while on holidays III

Shopping while on holidays II
Shopping while on holidays I
We didn't have much time to shop in Hong Kong but I still managed to go to two bookshops and check out the crafty magazines :-) Look what I found...

Hello Kitty & companhia - é tão giro! ...Hello Kitty & friends - it is so cute!

New developments in our garden
Saturday, December 1, 2007
I love crafty blogs...

O blog saídos da concha é um dos meus preferidos e eu leio-o quase todos os dias; a semana passada a Concha celebrou o seu primeiro blog-aniversário sorteando uma das suas malas girissimas fui a sortuda!! Woohoooo!! Obrigado Concha! Adorei a mala!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Hong Kong
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Australia - Melbourne
O museu da Imigracao, que foi excelente. Adorei toda a informacao e, como era interactivo, até pude ver quem foram os primeiros portugueses que chegaram á Austrália no seculo XX, o que é que eles faziam, como e que se divertiam, etc, etc.
The Immigration Museum, which was excelent. I loved all the information and, because it was interactive, I could check who were the first portuguese to move to Australia in the XX century, what did they do, how did they have fun, etc.
Os eléctricos, as igrejas e os prédios antigos...
The trams, the churches and the old buidings...
...e os prédios novos também (incluindo o maior casino do hemisferio sul - impressionante).
...and the new buidings as well (including the largest casino in the south hemisphere - impressive).
O que também foi muito giro foi ver os pinguins miniatura a regressarem a casa (nao temosfotos porque era proíbido tirá-las) numa praia a sul de Melbourne e ver os Koalas no seu habitat natural...
It was also very nice to see the "Fairy Penguins" come back home (we have no pictures of it because we weren't allowed taking them, nobody was) at the end of the day in a beach south of Melbourne and to see Koalas in the wild...