Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Hong Kong
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Australia - Melbourne
O museu da Imigracao, que foi excelente. Adorei toda a informacao e, como era interactivo, até pude ver quem foram os primeiros portugueses que chegaram á Austrália no seculo XX, o que é que eles faziam, como e que se divertiam, etc, etc.
The Immigration Museum, which was excelent. I loved all the information and, because it was interactive, I could check who were the first portuguese to move to Australia in the XX century, what did they do, how did they have fun, etc.
Os eléctricos, as igrejas e os prédios antigos...
The trams, the churches and the old buidings...
...e os prédios novos também (incluindo o maior casino do hemisferio sul - impressionante).
...and the new buidings as well (including the largest casino in the south hemisphere - impressive).
O que também foi muito giro foi ver os pinguins miniatura a regressarem a casa (nao temosfotos porque era proíbido tirá-las) numa praia a sul de Melbourne e ver os Koalas no seu habitat natural...
It was also very nice to see the "Fairy Penguins" come back home (we have no pictures of it because we weren't allowed taking them, nobody was) at the end of the day in a beach south of Melbourne and to see Koalas in the wild...
Australia - Port Douglas
Australia - Cairns & Daintree Rainforest
Depois de alomoco, fomos ver a floresta tropical no "skyrail", o que foi fantástico, e tivémos uma visita guiada. Sabiam que existe uma árvore que se chama "Figueira estranguladora"? Comeca a crescer no topo de uma árvore qualquer quando um pássaro deixa cair aí as suas sementes por acidente. Comeca entao a crescer encima dessa árvore e a estrangulá-la. Nós vimos algumas,, enormes, muito velhilhas, já ocas por dentro depois da árvore original já ter morrido, que eram usadas pelos aborígenes como abrigo quando chovia. Adorei todas as árvores (ás vezes enormes, mas sempre lindíssimas) e os sons da floresta tropical...
After that we went on the skyrail over the rainforest, which was amazing, and a guided tour in the forest. Did you that there is a tree called "Strangling Fig Tree"? It starts growing on top of another tree when a bird drops its seeds accidently and grows down the tree to the ground. While it does that, it strangles the tree inside it. We saw some Strangling Fig Trees, some very old, hollow inside (after the original tree dies and decayed) and that were used as shelter by the aboroginal people. I loved all the (beautiful and sometimes huge) trees the sounds of the rainforest...
Foi simplesmente maravilhoso...
It was simply wonderful...

Sunday, November 11, 2007
Australia - Airlie Beach & Whitsunday Islands

On Saturday, the 3rd November, we set sail in the "Windjammer" for a 3 day cruise in the Whitsunday Islands. The weather was fantastic for the majority of the time on board. Right on the first day we stopped at a beautiful beach, in an almost desert island, to swim (with a sting suit because of the poisonous jelly fish) and explore - the majority of the Whitsunday Islands are National Parks and, therefore, protected. The boat was very nice with tinny, tinny "bedrooms" and the food was excellent (the crew told us that they always make sure that the food is very good because people will remember that even if the trip turns out not being the best :-))

The next day we went swimming with the fishes or, as they say, snorkeling. I loved it! I loved swimming with fishes of a thousand colours and see the amazing coral. It was my first time and I think it won't be the last! It was fantastic! We didn't take any pictures under water because we didn't have an appropriate camera, but these are some of the fishes that were swimming around the boat...
Na segunda-feira visitamos a Whitehaven Beach, considerada como uma das melhores do mundo, e finalmente velejamos toda a tarde ja rumando a norte, mais perto de Airle Beach. Pelo caminho eu, o Tom e os nossos companheiros de viagem (Allison, Diana, Gavin e a Sarah, todos Ingleses) vislumbramos tartarugas e golfinhos e, quando ancoramos para passar a noite, assistimos a uma tempestade em terra, com relampagos e tudo. Foi muito giro fazer um Barefoot Cruise
On Monday we visited Whitehaven Beach, considered one of the best beaches in the world, and we sailed all afternoon towards our final destination, Airlie Beach (where we started). On the way, myself, Tom and all our traveling companions (Allison, Diana, Gavin e a Sarah) saw turtles and dolphins and, when we stopped for the night, we watched an inland storm. We loved our Barefoot Cruise
Australia - Blue Mountains
Com uma visita guiada pelo "nosso amigo" Danielle (um mocinho australiano de origem italiana que chegou ao hotel com 45min de atraso e que tinha uma certa tendencia para acelerar...), comecamos a nossa visita de um dia.
O Danielle ia relatando o nosso trajecto, qual comentador de futebol em dia de Benfica-Porto. Foi o maximo! As montanhas, essas, eram espectaculares...o nome de montanhas azuis vem da aurea azul que paira sobre as montanhas (na maior parte dos dias) devido ao oleo dos eucaliptos da floresta ou "bush" (aqui chamam "bush" a tudo o que lembra vegetacao).
Uma das minhas partes favoritas, para alem das paisagens, foi dar de comer a um "kangaroo" :-) e fazer festinhas a um Koala num santuario de animais que havia na zona. Ora vejam...

Australia - Sydney
No dia seguinte leventamo-nos quase ao mesmo tempo que o sol e comecamos a "explorar" a zona imediatamente. Caminhando em direccao a baia (a volta da qual Sydney cresceu) vamo-nos apercebendo que estamos realmente aqui. Sydney e muito moderna, limpa e parece segura. Estas impressoes vao-se confirmar mais tarde.
A primeira paragem...a Opera de Sydney...magnifica! Tivemos uma visita guiada e eu, pessoalmente, apaixonei-me pela sua historia e beleza. Voces sabiam que o projecto vencedor ja estava no caixote do lixo quando foi "salvo" pelo quarto membro do juri? Os outros projectos eram um bocado feios, pareciam caixotes...E sabiam tambem que custou Aus$100.000.000 mais do que estava previsto? Mas aqui o governo teve uma boa ideia para pagar esta divida toda...uma lotaria especial. Em menos de um ano a divida estava paga...os Australianos parecem ser viciados no jogo!
We finally landed in Sydney on Friday the 26th October at 8pm (local time). It was a loooooong flight! The next day we got up really early and started to "explore" the are immediatly. Walking towards the bay (around which Sydney has grown) we start to realise that we are really here. Sydney is very modern, clean and it seems safe. These impressions are going to be confirmed later. Our first stop was...the Opera House...magnificent! We had a guided tour and I fell in love with its history and beauty. Did you know that the winning design was already in the rubish bin when it was "saved" by the 4th member of the juri? The other projects were slightly ugly, like boxes...And did you know that the building cost of it was Aus$100.000.000 more that the initial cost? But the government there had a great idea to pay that debt...a special lottery. The debt was paid in less than a year...it seems like the australians really like gambling!

Agora vejam la o que eu fui encontrar do outro lado do mundo...
Look what I found in the other side of the world...
...repararam nalguma coisa familiar? "Portuguese Tarts" como eles lhe chamam aqui...os nossos (pelo menos meus) bem conhecidos e amados pasteis de nata!
...did you notice anything familiar? "Portuguese Tarts" was what they call it here...ours (at least mine) well known and loved "Pastéis de Nata"!