Don't you like to receive mail? I love it!...Always. And I'm even happier when is a special "package", that comes from far away sent by a lovely person. Last Friday I received one of those packages...a "Marie Claire Idées" magazine (which I love!), sent by my aunt Ju directly from France. Oh...what a beautiful day :)
Esta revista não está à venda aqui na Irlanda e eu só a comprava quando tinha a sorte de a encontrar numa das minhas idas a Portugal. Quando fomos a França no princípio deste ano, a minha tia Ju reparou neste meu interesse especial pela "Marie Claire Idées" e, desde então, tem-me mandado todos os números, normais e especias, da revista. É como se ela fosse a minha "fairy godmother" das revistas, tornando os meus sonhos em realidade :) Obrigado ti Ju!
This magazine is not on sale in Ireland and I only bought it when I was lucky enought to see it on one of my trips to Portugal. When we went to France at the beginning of this year, my aunt Ju noticed my special interest for this magazine and, since then, she has sent me all the issues, even the special ones. It's like if she was my magazines' "fairy godmother", making my dreams come true :) Thank you ti Ju!
This magazine is not on sale in Ireland and I only bought it when I was lucky enought to see it on one of my trips to Portugal. When we went to France at the beginning of this year, my aunt Ju noticed my special interest for this magazine and, since then, she has sent me all the issues, even the special ones. It's like if she was my magazines' "fairy godmother", making my dreams come true :) Thank you ti Ju!
Que sorte! Não há nada como receber correio "saboroso"! :)
Também já tenho este número!
I recetly subscribed to this wonderful magazine too! I adore it and can look through an issue years later and still love everything!
Quanta coisa linda, Ana.
Pena que por aqui não chega... As fotos dos passeios estão maravilhosas, dá vontade de conhecer pessoalmente.
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