Sim, ir a Londres foi fantástico (e cansativo...ainda estou a "recuperar"!). Eu adorei a atmosfera, a arquitectura, as compras...para alguém que, como eu, gosta de chá, tricot e compras (não necessariamente nesta ordem), este fim-de-semana esteve muito perto de ser perfeito :) Eu TINHA que visitar alguns sítios...e não, não era a Torre de Londres ;) Eu TIVE que ir à loja de malhas Loop, à Liberty e à Cath Kidston - afinal, era o fim-de-semana para celebrar o meu aniversário e estas lojas estavam todas na minha lista de sítios a visitar em Londres ;) E depois também fui à Whittard para o chá...foi difícil de sair destas lojas e de escolher o que eu queria trazer comigo, mas acabei por me decidir pelos "tesouros" acima ;) Para além dos sítios mais óbvios a visitar e das compras, o que eu mais gostei em Londres foi de ir ao espectáculo "Stomp", que foi fantástico!!
Yes, London was fantastic and exausting...I'm still "recovering"! I loved the athmosphere, the architecture, the shopping...for someone like me that likes tea, knitting and shopping (not necessarily in this particular order), this weekend was very close to perfection :) There were some places I HAD to visit...no, not the Tower of London ;) I HAD to go to Loop, to Liberty & to Cath Kidston - it was my birthday weekend celebration after all and they were on my list of places to visit in London ;) And then I also went to Whittard for the tea...it was hard to come out of these shops and to choose what I wanted to bring with me but I managed to do it in the end ;) Besides all the obvious places to visit and the shopping what I really liked to do in London was to see the show "Stomp" which was fantastic!!
Yes, London was fantastic and exausting...I'm still "recovering"! I loved the athmosphere, the architecture, the shopping...for someone like me that likes tea, knitting and shopping (not necessarily in this particular order), this weekend was very close to perfection :) There were some places I HAD to visit...no, not the Tower of London ;) I HAD to go to Loop, to Liberty & to Cath Kidston - it was my birthday weekend celebration after all and they were on my list of places to visit in London ;) And then I also went to Whittard for the tea...it was hard to come out of these shops and to choose what I wanted to bring with me but I managed to do it in the end ;) Besides all the obvious places to visit and the shopping what I really liked to do in London was to see the show "Stomp" which was fantastic!!
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